Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Dear Digital Diary,

                  Lately, I’ve been discussing with friends about how there’s so many games available with a compelling storyline or concept. They, however, on closer inspection, prove to be decidedly inappropriate or just dang disturbing. A popular example of this is Doki Doki Literature Club. It has the fascinating concept of a character who realizes she is in a game, falling in love with the player themselves. 

But to achieve the end goal of being with the player, she kills the other characters in assorted disgusting ways. For instance, one of the girls is severely depressed. She kills herself in a thouroughly unsettling scene. Another example is a game (which I actually watched a play through of) called Detroit: Become Human. It has a compelling story about three androids in the near future. Androids have been gaining sentience and demanding power and equal rights. One of the characters is even a protester for android rights. But a few scenes involve suicide, dead bodies, (like Doki Doki) and android strippers! Yikes!

Either way, I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels the need for literature and games with equally compelling stories. Just minus the suicide and strippers!

Signing off,